Accidente automovilístico

Consejos para maximizar la liquidación de su accidente

This guide equips you with the knowledge and steps to maximize your MVA settlement.

June 6, 2024

distressed man after accident

The aftermath of a motor vehicle accident (MVA) can be a difficult and stressful time. Physical injuries, mounting medical bills, and lost wages add to the emotional strain. If the accident wasn't your fault, you deserve fair compensation for your suffering. But going through the legalities of personal injury claims can feel overwhelming.

This comprehensive guide is here to help you. By the end of this blog you’ll learn the essential tips and steps to maximize your MVA settlement. 

Seek Medical Attention Promptly

Gather Evidence to Build a Strong Foundation for Your Claim

Keep Detailed Records

Know the Types of Damages and What You Can Recover

Don't Discuss Your Case with the At-Fault Party's Insurance Company

Consult With a Qualified Personal Injury Lawyer

Factors Influencing Your Settlement Amount

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For specific legal guidance regarding your MVA case, consult with a qualified personal injury lawyer.

The Crucial First Steps to Take After an Accident

1. Seek Medical Attention Quickly

After an accident, it's important to see a doctor right away if you think you're hurt. Some injuries, like whiplash, can show up later. Seeing a doctor creates a record that connects your injuries to the accident, which can help with any claims you might need to make. Don't delay seeking medical attention, even if your initial injuries seem minor. 

Here's why you should seek immediate medical attention:

Here's why getting medical attention after an accident is a smart move, both for your health and your potential claim:

  • Creates a Clear Picture: A doctor's visit right after the accident creates a record of your injuries at that exact moment. This record helps connect your injuries to the accident and avoids any arguments from the insurance company that your injuries happened later for some other reason.

  • Documents Your Injuries: The doctor will examine you, write down exactly what's wrong, and recommend treatment. This medical documentation becomes crucial evidence when you negotiate your settlement.

  • Sets You Up for Future Care: If you need ongoing medical treatment, that initial doctor's visit becomes the foundation for future medical claims related to the accident.

Your well-being is most important. Don't wait to see a doctor, especially if you feel any pain, dizziness, or discomfort after the accident. Seeking medical attention right away protects both your health and your legal rights.

2. Gather Evidence to Build a Strong Foundation for Your Claim

Every detail matters when building a strong case for your MVA settlement. Here are the key pieces of evidence to gather:

  • Accident Report: Obtain a copy of the official police report documenting the accident scene, parties involved, and witness statements (if any).
  • Police Report: This report details officer observations and their assessment of the accident cause.
  • Witness Statements: If there were witnesses, gather their written statements describing the accident from their perspective.
  • Photos: Take photographs of the accident scene from various angles, including damage to vehicles, skid marks, road conditions, and any traffic signs or signals that might be relevant. If possible, photograph your visible injuries immediately after the accident and throughout your recovery process.

Pro Tip: When taking photos of the accident scene, capture details like weather conditions, traffic lights, and any debris or skid marks on the road. This comprehensive visual documentation can be valuable when establishing the cause of the accident.

3. Keep Detailed Records

Maintaining a well-organized file with all accident-related paperwork is essential. Here's what to include:

  • Medical Bills: Keep copies of all medical bills, doctor's notes, and receipts for prescriptions and medical equipment.
  • Lost Wages: Document any lost income due to your injuries. Include pay stubs or a letter from your employer verifying missed workdays.
  • Pain Journal: This helps demonstrate the impact of the accident on your daily life. Include details like limitations in movement, sleep disturbances, and emotional distress caused by the pain.

4. Know the Types of Damages and What You Can Recover

Being aware of the different types of damages that you can recover in an MVA case helps you to evaluate your case's value. Here's a breakdown of common recoverable damages:

  • Medical Expenses: This includes past, present, and future medical costs associated with your injuries. It covers items like doctor visits, hospital stays, surgery, physical therapy, medication, and rehabilitation.
  • Lost Wages: If you're hurt and can't work because of the accident, you can be compensated for the income you lose. This includes lost wages from missed workdays, reduced work hours, or potential future earning capacity if your injuries impact your ability to work in the same capacity.
  • Pain and Suffering: This means that compensation goes beyond physical wounds and acknowledges emotional distress. It could include pain, discomfort, emotional distress, anxiety, depression, and loss of enjoyment of life due to your injuries.
  • Property Damage: Reimbursement for repairs or replacement of your damaged vehicle in the accident.

Understanding Pain and Suffering: Pain and suffering can be a significant component of your MVA settlement. It's important to document the severity and duration of your pain through a pain journal. Additionally, emotional distress caused by the accident, such as anxiety, fear, or depression, can also be included in your pain and suffering claim. For a detailed explanation, see blog on What is Pain and Suffering in a Personal Injury Case.

5. Don't Discuss Your Case with the At-Fault Party's Insurance Company

Insurance companies are for-profit businesses, and their main goal is to minimize payouts. Avoid discussing the details of your case with the at-fault party's insurance company without a lawyer present. Here's why:

  • They may try to downplay your injuries: Insurance adjusters are trained to negotiate settlements, and they might downplay the severity of your injuries to offer a lower settlement amount. 
  • They may pressure you into a quick settlement: Insurance companies may try to pressure you to accept a lowball settlement offer before you fully understand the extent of your injuries and the true value of your claim.
  • Anything you say can be used against you: Avoid making any statements to the insurance company that could be misconstrued or used to weaken your claim. Learn more about some common tricks insurance companies use here.

Keep in mind: You have the right to legal representation. If contacted by the insurance company, politely inform them that you will be represented by a lawyer and direct all communication to your legal counsel. This protects you from accidentally saying something that could hurt your case. 

6. Consult With a Qualified Personal Injury Lawyer

An experienced personal injury attorney can be your strongest supporter throughout the accident settlement process. Here's how a lawyer can help:

  • Investigate your case thoroughly: A lawyer will gather evidence, interview witnesses, consult with medical experts, and determine the full extent of your damages. This comprehensive investigation strengthens your claim and ensures you receive fair compensation.
  • Negotiate aggressively with the insurance company: Lawyers understand the law and insurance company tactics. Experienced lawyers can use their legal knowledge and experience to fight for the best possible settlement from the insurance company.
  • Handle legal matters and paperwork: Personal injury cases can involve complicated legal issues and documentation. Your lawyer will handle all these matters, allowing you to focus on your recovery.
  • Represent you in court if necessary: If a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, your lawyer will represent you in court and fight for your rights.

Finding the Right Lawyer: Look for a lawyer experienced in handling MVA cases. Lawfty offers free consultations, so you can discuss your case and get a better understanding of how a lawyer can help.

Factors Influencing Your Settlement Amount

Several factors influence the settlement amount in an MVA case. Here are some key considerations that will help you set realistic expectations:

  • Severity of Your Injuries: More severe injuries with long-term consequences typically lead to higher settlements.
  • Liability: The degree to which the other party was at fault plays a significant role. If the accident was clearly the other driver's fault, you're more likely to receive a higher settlement.
  • Shared Fault: In some cases, there might be shared fault for the accident. This can impact the settlement amount you receive.
  • Medical Expenses: The extent of your medical bills and the need for future medical care can significantly influence the settlement value.
  • Salarios perdidos: La pérdida de ingresos debido a sus lesiones es un daño resarcible. El monto de los salarios perdidos afecta directamente al monto de la liquidación.
  • Cobertura de seguro: Los límites de cobertura de seguro de la parte culpable pueden afectar el monto de su liquidación. Si su póliza tiene límites de cobertura bajos, es posible que debas explorar opciones adicionales para obtener una compensación total por tus daños.

Tenga en cuenta: Si bien siempre es deseable un acuerdo más alto, es importante tener expectativas realistas. Su abogado puede evaluar su caso, analizar estos factores y proporcionar una estimación más precisa del posible alcance de un acuerdo.

Contactar a Lawfty

No te conformes con menos. Si ha resultado lesionado en un accidente automovilístico o en cualquier otro accidente automovilístico que no haya sido su culpa, póngase en contacto con Lawfty hoy mismo. Lo pondremos en contacto con un abogado calificado en lesiones personales que pueda luchar por la máxima compensación que se merece. Programe una consulta gratuita y comience su camino hacia la recuperación.

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