Animal Attack

Steps to Take After an Animal Attack

Learn how to navigate the aftermath of an animal attack effectively.

September 28, 2023

steps to take after a dog bite

Animal attacks like dog bites can be a traumatic experience, and it is important to seek medical attention immediately. It is also important to understand your legal rights as a victim of an animal bite and gain fair compensation.

In this guide, we will provide you with information relating to dog bites including how to prevent dog bites, what to do if a dog bites you, how to report an aggressive dog to the authorities, how to seek medical attention, dog bite settlements, and of course, the process of fighting for your legal rights.

The details shared in this blog are meant for general informational purposes and should not be taken as legal advice. This content cannot replace the expertise of a qualified legal professional, and individuals should not make decisions solely based on the information here without consulting with a legal expert.If you need personalized legal assistance regarding Animal Attacks, feel free to reach out to Lawfty for guidance.

Table of Contents

  • Dog Bites—a Prevalent Nationwide Issue
  • Dog Bite Laws in the US
  • Steps to Take Immediately after a Dog Bite
  • Compensation for Animal Bite Victims
  • What Determines the Settlement Amount?
  • Preventing Dog Bites
  • Contact Lawfty

Dog Bites are a Prevalent Nationwide Issue

According to the American Pet Products Association, dogs are the most popular pets in the United States. 65.1 million U.S. households own a dog. While dogs are considered man's best friend, sometimes, they can be unpredictable and dangerous. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Humane Society of the United States, there are about 4.7 million dog bites every year in the U.S.

Around 800,000 individuals in the United States seek medical care due to dog bites annually—about 1,000 people require emergency care for dog bite injuries every day based on a study produced by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

Dog Bite Laws in the US

Across the United States, various states have enacted distinctive regulations governing the circumstances under which dog owners can be held accountable for dog bites. These regulations can be categorized into two primary groups: strict liability rules and one-bite rules.

  1. Strict Liability: Within states with strict liability statutes, dog owners bear the responsibility for any bite that transpires on public premises or when the injured party is legally on private property.
  2. One-Bite Rule: In certain states, the one-bite rule governs instances of dog bites. Under this rule, dog owners can be held accountable for their dog's bite only if they demonstrated negligence and/or had prior knowledge of their dog's propensity to attack. This means that the owner is not liable for the first bite, but they are liable for any subsequent bites.

So will you be entitled for a dog bite settlement?

You will most likely be entitled to a settlement due to the strict dog bite laws in the US. If you are considering legal action after a dog bite, it's important to consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer who can help you understand your legal rights.

Steps to Take Immediately after a Dog Bite

If you are bitten by a dog, it's important to take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your legal rights.

Here are some steps you should take immediately after a dog bite:

  1. Gather Evidence

    Collect as much evidence as possible about the dog bite and the circumstances surrounding the incident. Take photographs of the wound and any other injuries you sustained in the attack. Get the name and contact information of the dog's owner, as well as any witnesses to the incident.
  2. Seek Medical Attention

    Seek medical attention immediately after a dog bite, especially if the wound is deep or bleeding heavily. Waiting longer raises your infection risk. If you have diabetes or are immunocompromised, your infection risk is even greater. Depending on the severity of the bite, you may need stitches, a tetanus shot, or antibiotics. Medical records can be used as evidence in your case.
  3. Contact a Dog Bite Lawyer

    Contact an experienced personal injury lawyer who can help you understand your legal rights and pursue the compensation you deserve. A lawyer can help you navigate the legal system, communicate with insurance companies, and maximize your compensation. They can also help you avoid mistakes that could harm your case.
  4. File a Lawsuit 

    If you and your lawyer decide to pursue legal action, your lawyer will file a lawsuit on your behalf. The lawsuit will outline the details of the incident and the damages you are seeking.
  5. Negotiate a Settlement

    In many cases, the dog owner's insurance company will offer a settlement to avoid going to court. Your attorney will discuss with the insurance company to make sure that you are appropriately compensated for your injuries.
  6. Go to Trial

    If your case can not reach a settlement, the case might go to trial. Your lawyer will represent you in court and argue your case to a judge or jury.

In conclusion, if you are bitten by a dog, it's important to take immediate action to protect yourself and your legal rights. Remember to always be cautious around dogs and take steps to prevent dog bites from happening in the first place. Contact Lawfty's lawyers or visit for a free case review.

Seeking Medical Attention and Legal Rights

Seeking medical attention and understanding your legal rights as a dog bite victim in the United States is crucial.

Here are some steps to follow:

  • Clean the wound, try to determine who the owner of the animal is, and seek medical attention.
  • Understand your legal rights as a dog bite victim in the United States, which may vary depending on the state you are in.
  • Consult with a personal injury attorney to guide you through the process of filing a claim and seeking compensation for your injuries and damages.

Preventing Dog Bites

Knowing how to prevent dog bites is beneficial for both dog owners and non-dog owners.

Here are some tips for preventing dog bites:

  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid approaching unfamiliar dogs, especially if they are on a leash or behind a fence.
  • Remember to get the owner's permission before you approach or pet a dog.
  • Teach children how to interact with dogs properly, including asking for permission before petting and letting the dog see and sniff them before approaching.
  • Spay or neuter your dog, as this can help reduce aggressive behavior.

Tips for dog owners to prevent your dog from attacking:

  • Socialize your dog. Socializing your dog when they're young can reduce the chances of them becoming aggressive.
  • Train your dog to help prevent aggressive behavior and make them more obedient.
  • Always supervise your dog when they are around other people or animals.
  • Respect other people's space. Teach your dog to respect other people's space and not jump on them or invade their personal space.
  • Be cautious around unfamiliar dogs. If you encounter an unfamiliar dog, be cautious and avoid approaching them.

What to Do If a Dog Approaches You Aggressively

If a dog approaches you aggressively, follow these steps to protect yourself:

  • Remain calm and still, avoiding sudden movements or loud noises that may escalate the situation.
  • Avoid running, as it might trigger a dog's natural instinct to chase.
  • Stand your ground and maintain eye contact with the dog, if possible, to show that you are not a threat.
  • Move back slowly without turning your back to the dog.
  • Use a barrier, such as a tree or a car, if available, to put some distance between yourself and the dog.
  • Report the aggressive dog to the authorities to prevent future incidents.

Here how to report an aggressive dog to the authorities:

  • Contact your local animal control agency or law enforcement agency immediately.
  • Provide a detailed description of the dog, including its breed, size, and location.
  • If possible, take a photo or video of the dog to provide as evidence.
  • Provide any information you have about the dog's owner, such as their name or address.

Why Do I Need a Lawyer for a Dog Bite Injury?

If you are bitten by a dog, you may be wondering if you need a lawyer.

Here are some reasons why you may need a dog bite lawyer:

  1. Communication with Insurance Companies

    When you hire a dog bite lawyer, they will manage all communications with the insurance company and the other side overall. This can be very useful if you are not aware of the legal process.
  2. Preventing Damage to Relationships

    Bringing in a dog bite lawyer can actually improve your relationship with the dog owner instead of making it worse. Contacting a lawyer does not mean that you are trying to ruin the relationship with the dog owner.
  3. Experience and Resources

    The right animal bite attorney will have the experience, professionalism, and resources needed to support you in your case. They can help you navigate the legal system and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.
  4. Maximizing Compensation

    A dog bite lawyer can help you maximize your compensation. They can help you determine the full extent of your damages and ensure that you receive compensation for all of your losses.
  5. Avoiding Mistakes

    A dog bite lawyer can help you avoid mistakes that could harm your case. For example, they can guide you through the legal process and make sure you get the compensation you rightfully deserve.

In conclusion, hiring a dog bite lawyer can be beneficial for many reasons. A lawyer can help you navigate the legal system, communicate with insurance companies, and maximize your compensation. They can also assist you in avoiding errors that might negatively impact your case. If you are bitten by a dog, consider contacting a dog bite lawyer to help you with your case.

If you or someone you know has been bitten by an animal, it is important to take immediate action. You can contact Lawfty to book a free consultation and learn more about your legal rights as a dog bite victim in the United States.

Compensation for Animal Bite Victims

If you have been bitten by an animal, a personal injury lawyer can help you receive compensation for your injuries and damages.

Here are some common types of compensation that a personal injury lawyer can help an animal bite victim receive:

  1. Medical Expenses

    Victims of dog bites may be entitled to compensation for their medical expenses, including emergency room visits, hospital stays, surgeries, and other medical treatments. This compensation may also cover future medical expenses, such as physical therapy and rehabilitation.
  2. Lost Wages

    Victims of dog bites may be entitled to compensation for their lost wages if they are unable to work due to their injuries. This compensation may also cover future lost wages if the victim's injuries are severe enough to impact their ability to work in the future.
  3. Pain and Suffering

    Victims of dog bites may be entitled to compensation for their pain and suffering, including physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish.
  4. Scarring and Disfigurement

    Victims of dog bites may be entitled to compensation for any scarring or disfigurement caused by the bite.
  5. Punitive Damages

    In some cases, victims of dog bites may be entitled to punitive damages. Punitive damages are intended to punish the dog owner for their actions and deter them from engaging in similar behavior in the future.

Overall, a personal injury lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and options as an animal bite victim and ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries and damages.

If you or someone you know has been bitten by an animal, consider contacting a personal injury lawyer to learn more about your legal options.

What Determines the Settlement Amount?

The amount of compensation an animal bite victim can receive varies depending on the severity of the injury and scarring, the circumstances of the incident, the state in which the incident occurred and other variables which may arise during the course of the case.

In some cases, the dog owner's homeowners or renters insurance may cover the victim's damages. It is up to you to prove the extent of damages the animal bite caused you to suffer.

When you file an animal bite lawsuit, you recover monetary compensation if you prevail in your case, but the defendant doesn’t end up with a criminal record or risk jail time.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Should I seek legal advice after an animal bite?

    Yes, it is recommended to seek legal advice after an animal bite, especially if the injury is severe or requires medical attention. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you understand your legal rights and options for pursuing compensation
  2. What Determines the Settlement Amount?

    The amount of compensation an animal bite victim can receive varies depending on the severity of the injury and scarring, the circumstances of the incident, the state in which the incident occurred and other variables which may arise during the course of the case.

    In some cases, the dog owner's homeowners or renters insurance may cover the victim's damages. It is up to you to prove the extent of damages the animal bite caused you to suffer.

    When you file an animal bite lawsuit, you recover monetary compensation if you prevail in your case, but the defendant doesn’t end up with a criminal record or risk jail time.


In conclusion, dog bites are a serious issue in the United States, and it's important to take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your legal rights if you are bitten by a dog.

By understanding the laws regarding animal bites, taking immediate action after a bite, and seeking the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer, you can get the compensation you deserve. Remember to always be cautious around dogs and take steps to prevent dog bites from happening in the first place.

Contact Lawfty

If you are a victim of an animal bite, Lawfty's trusted network of lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve. We're committed to ensuring your dog bite case yields maximum compensation that truly reflects your injuries and losses.

Lawfty works on a contingency fee basis, which means that you only pay if your claim is settled successfully. There are no out-of-pocket costs for you. You can get started contacting Lawfty for a free consultation. Remember, there will be no fees until we win!

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